Thinking of starting your own home organizing business but not sure where to start? The Pro Organizer Bootcampâ„¢ Course is for you! Start your career as a pro organizer and learn how to create a professional organizing business. Melisa Meral takes you from 9-5er to full time organizer in this self-guided online course: How to Start a Professional Organizing Business in 30 Days. As a coach and mentor for professional organizers, Melisa has over 12 years of industry experience and is here to take you from daydreaming about becoming a professional home organizer to actually having a pro organizing business. For just $19.99 you can grab all of this content + become part of the exclusive Pro Organizer Bootcampâ„¢ global community!
Follow these key steps to learn how to create your own home organizing business from scratch with content including business strategies for professional organizers, branding and marketing tips for pro organizers, and tons of resources for people who want to start a decluttering company from scratch.
Create your own company as a pro organizer and experience the freedom of being your own boss! Leave the hamster wheel and the rat race behind and explore what it's like to become an entrepreneur, by getting to do what you love as a home organizer. Start a professional organizing business in 2023!
Build your home organizing business from the ground up - learn how to create your own professional organizing company and use your natural gifts and talents! The course is for people who don’t have an organizing business yet, but it’s a dream that’s been on their mind and their heart for a while. I created this course because I know that it can be SO overwhelming to get started as a professional organizer. How do you create your first website? Gather reviews to boost your search presence? Close your first consultation? Collect your first deposit? Book your first session?
I’ve seen a lot of women simply FREEZE and not do anything when they start thinking about all of this stuff…. If that’s you and you’re stuck in an unfulfilling career or a job you hate, then grab the Pro Organizer Bootcamp™ Course for just 20 bucks and get on your way to creating the organizing business of your dreams! I’m only a few steps ahead of you- you CAN leave your miserable corporate job too. You CAN release those golden handcuffs too. I see you- because I was you.
The content is waiting for you! Let’s take you from 9-5er to full time home organizer. Grab the How to Start a Professional Organizing Business in 30 Days Course now!