Season One of the Pro Organizer Bootcamp Podcast was an EPIC success and a whirlwind of awesome professional organizer guests, expert interviews, and informative content for new and aspiring home organizers.
I want to take a quick moment to THANK YOU for following and subscribing to this podcast, sharing it with friends, tagging me on social media, and leaving reviews!
Alright, so let’s jump into the recap-
Episode 1 is all about launching the podcast and a bit about my background as a professional organizer with my company Let’s Get You Organized for 10 years- I started this podcast out of my passion for helping women utilize their natural gifts and talents to serve the world!
Episode 2 is all about taking ACTION and getting off the fence with my top 3 reasons why NOW is the time to start your professional organizing business! As I’m sure you know by now, the professional organizing industry is absolutely BOOMING and it’s time to get your piece of the pie!
Episode 3 dove into the idea of turning your PASSION into PROFITS! In this solo episode, I’m talkin’ all about how to start a side hustle to make some extra cash and validate your market as a new organizer
Episode 4 is a recording of my awesome interview on my good friend Salina Yeung’s LinkedIn Live show! I chat with Salina all about how to manage your time as a business owner, stay productive, and set epic goals. It’s time to make sht happen TODAY, not tomorrow!
Episode 5 helps you clear those limiting beliefs and annoying little stories you might have about entrepreneurship and becoming your own boss. I share with you five steps of How to Start Your Professional Organizing Business!
Episode 6 is my very first guest interview with the amazing Pooja Gandhi of Wellnest in Chicago. We’re chatting about taking gritty action and getting started out as a new professional organizer. Take the leap and the net will appear!
Episode 7 is all about Confident Communication with my friend Keasha Lee. From brand messaging to striking statements, Keasha helps us learn how we can embody the most powerful version of ourselves as organizers and truly step into our calling.
Episode 8 is for all my side hustling mamas out there. I chat with Emily Stark about the current career landscape, how to pivot in your career as you grow your organizing side hustle, and some helpful job search tips if you find yourself in between jobs but not ready to take the full time leap into the wild world of professional organizing.
Episode 9 is an action-packed and energetic look at the Messy Middle with Pro Organizer Bootcamp graduate, Alicia Lozano of the Motivated Co! We discuss tons of resources to help you get started on your journey to entrepreneurship and call out the fluffy frothy stuff because you know we don’t like any BS around here!
Episode 10 takes a look at how Stories Sell with my fellow mastermind member, Meg Seitz of Toth Shop. She provides helpful tips for home organizers who are ready to take their website and copywriting to the next level.
Episode 11 features another Pro Organizer Bootcamp graduate, Leona Caldemeyer of Assess the Nest. She details her awesome organizing journey and how she’s made it all happen by taking baby steps to success!
Episode 12 is truly a kick in the pants with my friend Sue Izzo! In this fiery interview, I chat with Sue all about how she stays creative in business + she gives away tons of info on her fave business books and other resources designed to help you grow your organizing biz FAST!
Episode 13 features Rebecca Nidzieko of Coordinated Chaos. We’re talkin’ all about generational clutter from baby boomers to Gen Z and everything in between. In this episode, we touch on junk mail, minimalism, and more!
Episode 14 showcases my chat with an awesome Pro Organizer Bootcamp graduate, Lindsey Renovales of Empower Your Spaces. We discuss leaving the corporate world, pivoting during the pandemic, and how to organize with kids!
In Episode 15, I’m spilling the organizer tea with Brooklyn Smith of Brook Knows Best! This is a juicy episode that you definitely don’t want to miss- from high ticket luxury organizing jobs to website design principles to our fiery thoughts on NAPO and certifications… this episode is a must-listen!
Episode 16 is a fantastic interview with Karelia Aurauz of Declutter Miami. We dive into our mutual OCD superpowers, pivoting with purpose when deciding to go against the grain and create a career outside of a college degree, AND how to make your very first hire in the organizing industry!
Episode 17 is all about growing and scaling a professional organizing business with Molly Blakey of The Molly B Effect. From affiliate product links to growing a team even throughout covid conundrums, Molly has you covered.
Episode 18 features my friend and fellow masterminder, Stephanie Riel of RielDealMarketing! She drops tons of knowledge bombs about how to market yourself as a pro organizer via Pinterest, email marketing, and more. Plus, catch the freebie that I include in this episode if you listen closely!
Episode 19 features Kimberly Ogborne of My Canadian Home where we discuss minimalistic principles and how to get started as a virtual organizer. She gives super helpful tips on how to work with your clients in creative ways when we can’t always been face to face with clients in homes.
And finally… Episode 20 features Jaclyn Strauss of 2nd Vault where we’re chatting all about digital organization and how we can offer new services to our existing organizing clientele!
Follow on Spotify or Apple iTunes and be sure to leave a written rating and review to keep the show going! Plus, you can view the behind the scenes VIDEO versions of each podcast episode over on the Pro Organizer Bootcamp YouTube Channel!